9th Edition Flicko de Mayo 2022

The 9th edition of Flicko de Mayo will take place in Lafayette, Indiana, on Saturday, May 22. Organized by Grand Rapids TSC, this ASA Major and FISTF Satellite tournament takes place outside Michigan for the first time. 

Matches will be played on Extreme Works and AstroPitch tables with a 9:30am start. To register for the event, please contact organizers Peter Alegi of Grand Rapids TSC [alegi DOT peter AT gmail] or Shaun Kidsley [skidsley AT hotmail]. A $25 registration fee can be paid via PayPal or cash at venue. Deadline to register is May 14. The venue address will be provided upon completion of registration.

Hotel and accommodation information is available at the GRTSC website

We look forward to welcoming players of all levels to Indiana!

Peter Alegi and Shaun Kidsley

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