American Subbuteo Association Bylaws

Article 1 – Name

The name of the organization shall be: The American Subbuteo Association. The name shall be abbreviated: ASA.

  • Any name change to the Association must be accepted by a majority vote of at least 75% of all ASA Registered Members.

Article 2 – Purpose

The purposes of this Association are:

  1. To promote the sport of Subbuteo table soccer in the USA
  2. To raise the standard of competitive play in the USA
  3. To guarantee a high level of fair play and enforce Federation International of Sports Table Football (FISTF) regulations
  4. To develop and strengthen a network of member players
  5. To provide member players the necessary tools and resources to form clubs, organize Subbuteo events, improve their game, compete nationally and internationally, acquire playing equipment, and exchange ideas that will improve playing standards and awareness of Subbuteo in the USA
  6. To settle and adjudicate any controversy, dispute, or claim arising among individual members or Clubs and to enact regulatory or otherwise appropriate measures

Article 3 – Mission Statement

The Mission of the American Subbuteo Association is to promote Subbuteo table soccer in the USA.

Article 4 – Membership

Membership is open to anyone in the United States. While membership is open to foreign nationals residing in the USA, no member of the ASA can be affiliated with any other national table soccer association:

  • To be a member of the ASA, players can simply participate in any ASA sanctioned event and paying the fee of either $5 for an Open or $15 for the Nationals. Players earn points for Opens and the Nationals. Points are tabulated for any three tournaments. The point rankings serve two purposes. Seeding for the following National and rewarding players who travel
  • From time to time, the ASA can offer “Honorary Memberships” to players of other associations. This type of membership is titular only and does not allow the player to compete in tournaments restricted to ASA members such as the Nationals, play for the national team, nor to receive ASA ranking points
  • Membership to the ASA is a privilege, not a right. The ASA Board can remove a given player(s) from the ASA membership by a 4/5ths Board vote as outlined in Article 7.

Non-members are allowed to compete in all WASPA tournaments but are not allowed to play in FISTF tournaments. Similarly, any non-residential foreign members of an ASA club cannot compete with said club in the National Championships Team category.

Article 5 – ASA Regions

The ASA is currently divided into four regions:

  • WEST

ASA Board

The ASA Board is composed of the ASA President and four Board Members.

The ASA President – The ASA President needs to be at least 21 years of age and will serve a two-year term beginning on the first day of the season of the odd numbered year. The function of the ASA President is as follows:

  • Handles the organization of all changes to the Bylaws.
  • Must regularly be in touch with the members-at-large to report on the business of the Association.
  • Communicates short-term and long-term goals to the Executive Team and other key stakeholders
  • Addresses and resolves conflicts when they arise
  • Leads fundraising and sponsorship efforts
  • Conducts necessary investigations and determines appropriate disciplinary actions in case of misconduct of non-compliance to ASA rules, regulations and code of conduct
  • Is the representative to handle all enquiries from other National Associations or FISTF.
  • Shall confirm all other ASA Board Members as nominated by members-at-large.
  • The President may elect an Executive Team, responsible for the implementation of the ASA Strategic Plan as approved by the Board. The Executive Team, acting under the President’s supervision, shall meet on a monthly basis to track progress against established deadlines.

Board Members

Board Members must be at least 18 years of age and will serve a two-year term beginning on the first day of the season of the even numbered year. The duties of a Board Member are:

  • Establish Association policies.
  • Oversee the fiscal management of the Association.
  • Enact regulations (bylaws, rules, resolutions).
  • Approve budget plans.
  • Oversee the administration of policies.
  • Fill vacancies on the Board.
  • Supervise the administration and enforcement of Association regulations.
  • Vote on disciplinary actions against members, including suspension and expulsion, when necessary.
  • Review and approve programs submitted by the President and the Board of Directors.
  • Set an example by demonstrably abiding by all Association rules.
  • May serve in special committees focused on complex issues

Article 7- Removal and Discipline of Officers and Members

The ASA President – The President can be removed from office for violating the duties outlined for him in Article 6. He also can be removed for casting the ASA in unfavorable light in either his private or public life.

In order to remove the President, the Board Members must state, in writing, the reasons for his removal. Once the reasons are circulated publicly, the President has three weeks to defend his position in writing. The President can then be removed with the approval of three-fourths of the Board Members. The removed President cannot serve on the Board for 1 full year. The general membership will vote for the successor. The successor will then finish the term of his predecessor. Emergency voting procedures as outlined in Article 8 will be followed to elect a successor. The successor does not have to be a current member of the Board, but does need to meet the general requirements to be President. Normal voting will occur at the appointed time for the next election, regardless of the duration of time served by the interim President.

Board Members – Board Members can be removed from office for repeatedly violating the duties outlined for them in Article 6. They also can be removed for ignoring requests or petitions from ASA members. They also may be removed for casting the ASA in unfavorable light in either their private or public life.

Board Members can be removed from office by three-fourths of the remaining Board. This process can be put forth by any ASA member. The removed Board Member cannot serve on the Board or in the Executive Team for 1 full year. Emergency voting procedures as outlined in Article 8 will be followed to elect a successor.

Discipline of ASA Members

Charges of dishonesty, working against the principles and purposes of the Association, violating the Associations rules and code of conduct or injuring the standing of a member can be subject to disciplinary action. Complaints must be filed electronically directly to the President, who will then select a member of the Executive Team to initiate a confidential investigation to verify facts and circumstances. Eventual disciplinary actions will then be submitted to the Board for approval. A simple majority of votes will suffice to make such actions effective. Any member deemed to have filed frivolous charges may be brought before the Board for review.

Article 8 – Elections

  • Presidential Elections – The ASA President is elected via vote by active sitting board members.
  • Presidential elections are announced via ASA Discord, ASA public website, ASA Facebook page and email blast to all active members
  • The President shall serve their term, beginning January 1st through December 31st.

Board Members Elections – Board Members are elected by a popular vote by ASA members in good standing.

  • The ASA BoD is responsible for collecting nominations and votes for Board Members Elections.
  • Voting period will be announced via website, email, Facebook and Discord.
  • The winner of the Board Members Elections will be announced by the last week of December.
  • Board Members shall serve their terms, beginning January 1st through December 31st.

Emergency Elections – If a Board Member or the President vacates their seat while still in office for any reason, an emergency election shall take place.

  • The ASA BoD is responsible for collecting nominations and votes.
  • The ASA President, or a Board Member speaking on his/her behalf, must notify the ASA membership of the vacated office within 2 weeks of the office being vacated.
  • Nominations are accepted for a period of 2 weeks after it is announced that the office is vacant.
  • Votes are collected for a period of 2 weeks after nominations have been received.
  • The winner of the election serves out the remainder of the term that was vacated.

Collection of Votes – All ASA Vote collections shall be conducted electronically.

Article 9 – Membership Fees, Dues and Privileges


To be a member of the ASA, players can simply participate in any ASA sanctioned event and paying the fee of either $5 for an Open or $15 for the Nationals. Tournament fees enable the ASA to rely on a consistent revenue stream, instrumental in guaranteeing the implementation of initiatives aimed at adequately supporting members while promoting the growth of the sport in the USA.

Newcomers can become a member without participating in a tournament, by agreeing to the ASA Code of Conduct. When visiting the ASA CC page, read and then click “I agree” to send email to confirm your agreement. That easy!!

At the minimum, ASA Members’ benefits include:

  • Right to host ASA or FISTF tournaments
  • Right to compete in ASA or FISTF tournaments
  • Right to run for office
  • Inclusion in the ASA ranking system
  • Potential to represent the USA in international competitions
  • Access to contact details of all ASA registered players and clubs
  • Access to information and maintenance of

Additional benefits may be added over time based on strategic partnerships and the work by the Board of Directors.

Any proposal to modify the current membership process must be approved by 4/5th of the Board.

Article 10 – Use of Funds and Equipment

At the beginning of each season, the President is responsible for submitting a comprehensive budget proposal to the Board for approval. Such proposal should be the outcome of a process of consolidation of budget requests from individual members of the ASA Executive Team by the Director of Finance.

The Annual Budget will include projected revenues and expenses by category with detailed explanations. 4 votes out of 5 are necessary for the Board to approve the Annual Budget. Once approved, funds may be spent by members of the BoD with the written approval by the President. In case the budget is not approved, it is the President’s responsibility, after gathering the Board’s input, to review the projections before submitting a revised proposal to the Board for approval.

During the quarterly call with the Board, it is the President’s duty to review the association’s Profit & Loss statement and to share the balance of the ASA account. Furthermore, to ensure full transparency, a review of quarterly financials will be posted on the ASA website.

Any change in Policy concerning the use of ASA Funds, including changes to the ASA Budgeting process, must be made at least 30 days before the end of any season and any change will be for the following season.

Article 11 – ASA Calendar, Ranking Points System and ASA National Championship Guidelines

The Association must establish a yearly calendar denoting the beginning and end of each calendar year. Currently, the season begins on the first day of September and ends on the last day of August. This calendar should also set, on the web site, the following information about the year’s ASA events:

  • The limit, if any, of ASA events each club or region can host.
  • The Date and Location of the ASA National Championship Weekend
  • The bids for the National Championships shall be open between May 1st and July 31st. The winning club will be announced by the end of the calendar year (December 31st)
  • All clubs hosting the National Championship must follow the National Championships guidelines.
  • The number and type, if any, of FISTF events and their locations (as soon as they are known)
  • The delineation of regions by state or time zone

The ASA point system must be approved by the Board 30 days before the beginning of the season that it will affect. The point system must include values of all ASA tournaments. The rankings may also, but does not have to include, points for:

  • FISTF Tournaments and events
  • Club rankings
  • National rankings by committee or by some additional point system

All Registered Members can receive ranking points through participating in ASA Sanctioned tournaments.

  • Currently, points are weighted by the number of registered ASA members that participate, so the more players the more potential points. The rolling ranking is the top 3 results including any National Championship Open result over a 12 month moving window. (i.e. July 06 to July 07.) The rolling ranking is the ranking to use for seeding players at ASA tournaments. The current points system does not allow for points to be awarded for FISTF tournaments held outside the USA or club/league performance. Only ASA sanctioned tournaments held in the USA, including FISTF events, are taken into consideration for the ranking system. Any change in the official ASA ranking system must be approved by the Board 30 days prior to the beginning of the season.

Article 12 – Amendment and Revision of Bylaws and Association Rules & Regulations

Any member of the Association has the right to appeal to the Board for amendment of these bylaws and/or other Association rules and regulations such as, but not limited to:

  • The ASA calendar
  • ASA Rankings
  • ASA Tournament schedule and make-up
  • Inclusion of new events (team competitions, international tournaments, etc.)
  • ASA logo
  • ASA web page changes

To make a change in Association bylaws or policy, the individual wishing to make the change must:

  1. Make an appeal, in writing, to the ASA President
  2. Once the appeal is made, the President must share this request with the Board
  3. Board Members take up the discussion to see if the change is worthy of consideration, giving the benefit of the doubt to any change within reason. If the change is considered reasonable, the person requesting this change will have 30 days to present the final proposal to the Board.
  4. Once the final proposal has been sent to the Board, the Board can discuss and make minor changes to the proposal. If major changes are made, they must be approved by the person who presented the original proposal for approval.
  5. Once the changes have been discussed, the person who presented the original proposal will set forth a final draft resolution to be voted on by the board.
  6. The members of the Board then vote
  7. All changes to bylaws and or policy shall go into effect on the first day of the following season unless the changes do not have a major effect on the running of the association. The ASA President shall be the one to decide if the changes should go into effect immediately or at the beginning of the next season.

Amendments to the bylaws must be added to this document, dated and the record must show who voted for and against these changes.

Article 13 – Board Discussion and conduct of ASA Business

The Board, which consists of the ASA President and four elected Board Members, may discuss proposals via email and/or phone.

  • The President can decide on a timeline for discussion of all matters. Usually a two-week time frame is sufficient for most matters
  • Any member of the Board can call for a vote on a proposal or matter
  • The President must recognize the motion and call for an official vote
  • There will be a 7 day window given to receive votes.
  • Any Board Member that does not vote by the end of the 7-day window will automatically have his vote recorded as a “abstain”.
  • Any proposal or topic that has a majority vote against it can not be voted on again for 8 months.
  • The ASA Board will compile a monthly “Minutes” of all ASA business, i.e. what issues are being discussed, what the vote tallies were, etc., and make these minutes available to the Board for distribution to ASA Membership.

Article 14 – Dissolution

Dissolving the Association will take the unanimous consent of the ASA Board. Should the Association be dissolved, all material possessions (with the exclusion of copyrighted materials, trophies, or other intellectual property) of the Association must be made available for the association to pay any outstanding bills or debts to members. If there is any money or possessions remaining, they must first be offered to any members wishing to form a new Association in the USA. If no parties are interested in taking over, a lottery or raffle for all remaining materials and/or money will be held.

Article 15 – USA Subbuteo Team Captain

PURPOSE: To elevate our sport of Subbuteo in the USA to and align the ASA to the level and standards of some of the best organizations in the world.

THE ROLE: The USA Subbuteo Team Captain is selected by the President in conjunction with the Sports Director and serves a two-year term, commencing on November 1st and then every odd year thereafter.

The Team Captain has the responsibility to select the USA Subbuteo Team and demonstrate accountability for Team performance against the targets set for the team. The targets for the two-year period will be set by the Team Captain, President and Sports Director.

In respect of selection, the Team Captain will consult the views of both the President and Sports Director, who also have the right to hold further three-way discussion and, if necessary, vote, should something in the selection exceptionally seem out of alignment.

The Team Captain will work closely with the Sports Director in terms of preparation of players and the team for tournaments.

TEAM SELECTION: The Open USA Subbuteo Team will comprise 4 Open starters + 1 reserve, and the Veterans USA Subbuteo Team will comprise 4 Veteran starters + 1 reserve.

The selection of the players is the responsibility of the USA Subbuteo Team Captain, based on his direct observations, tournament results, reports from senior players, and through ongoing consultation with the Sports Director and the President. The winners of each respective category at the annual National Championship tournament will, by default, qualify as part of the Team in their respective categories. These players can however still not be selected in the unlikely event they (a) in some way fail to comply with the ASA Code of Conduct or (b) by advice of the Captain to the President and Sports Director, the individual does not seem to be prepared to be a team player and adopt the team ethos.

Once on site, the Team Captain is solely responsible for Team assignments, matchups, overall strategy and conduct. In case of travel impediments or more than one team participating during the events, it is the Captain’s responsibility to nominate temporary Vice Captains that can fill his role for the time being.

The Team Captain’s role relates specifically to the selection and leadership of the Teams playing in a tournament, but will also incorporate in more general terms the cover of conduct and team ethos amongst the traveling party for a tournament such as the World Cup, with the promotion of values such as inter-support, harmony, discipline, ambassadors, focus on collective purpose, and each player being dedicated to winning for the USA, and thus taking any advice regarding their play and finding any edge for them to do so, for the promotion and furtherance of USA Subbuteo.

Players will be selected to be part of the squad based on their individual ability and also on their ability to act as a team player and maintain harmony and bring greater support for the overall team.

Article 16 – Official Tournament Categories

Official ASA sanctioned tournament categories are as follows:

  • Open – Any player wishing to participate
  • U-20 and Veterans – Each season, ASA shall use the official guidelines provided by FISTF in their annual Handbook to define the U20 and Veterans categories
  • Ladies – Any player that is female in gender
  • Team category

The ASA currently has ranking systems for the Open, U-20, Veterans, and Ladies categories.

©2025 American Subbuteo Association